When first reading these sonnets your not sure how to take in the information. So for me starting off with Shakespeare I felt like he focused on love a lot. As far as what it is and how it should be, the feel of it and much more.Like for the first and second poem I felt like he was telling us love is never one thing. Like you have to grow into love and let it grow. Like there might not seem like love at the beginning but in time it should but even then it might not show the way you want it too. Of course the 113 poem we discussed in class was quite interesting and a little rude in my opinion. Still written by a great poet and it was still understanding.
As for Mullen sonnets 130, It was thought that it resembled Shakespeare's sonnet 130. they both talk about how a women features was either better or worse then what it was being compared to. However one did it in a positive fun way and the other seemed a little negative. I was thinking that wouldn't it be possible for two people to think the same thing just in different ways. So that the subject of artist taking other artist work should not be discussed. That's something to think about for you.
The there's Berrigan's sonnets, I thought it was creative the way it was written, whether he meant to write it that way or not. or the fact that he wanted the readers to be able to take different views on it.When I first read it I was like okay this is weird, so when that fact was pointed out to me it made a little more sense but not a lot. As for the other I have no idea what to think.
For these sonnets the poet could have been trying to tell a complete story to the readers. I'm just the type of person that doesn't really understand how to read something, and twist it around; because normally how something is wrote doesn't verify the true meaning of what's being said. I enjoyed reading the sonnets and can't wait to read more. This is Porsha's final thoughts signing OUT!
Good, explain and say more specifically.