Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fiction Packet #1

This blog will be on the fiction packet we had to read for Thursday class. I will focus on two short stories I found interesting and why. The first story was titled Misdemeanors by Sherman  n Alexi, I found this story to be quite humorous. On page 6 on the right side at the bottom the poem starts off by saying the old man tells me he's a tough ex-con but his wife....tells me he went to jail for robbing a bowling alley. The fact that this old man wants to be known as a tough ex-con is hilarious to me, but the way the wife tells the story this old man had nothing better else to do then to commit a petty crime. I like the fact that the writer didn't call the old man crazy being that he clearly is. I just thought it was pretty funny and I love the way the story was written. It talks about the old as if he was a fool to even think he can rob a bowling ally that only has coins in the register. He also didn't have a good get away driver cause they passed out overall I loved it.

The next short story I enjoyed was the first one titled Survivors by Kim Addonizio. For me I got the idea that this was two individuals of the same sex who was dying of a std and one of them had a rough time growing up by not being accepted by their family. Now both of them are wish that they die first so they don't have to deal with each others left over packages. I thought this passage was little sad, but it sent out a real message that it shouldn't matter what your sexual orientation is you deserve to be happy. It makes me sad that people judge other based on their sexual orientation and it should not be that way because we are all human. I don't know the exact message the writer is trying to get out, but I can show respect for them even talking about the subject. It was a interesting story to read and I hope can say the same.

The last story that caught my attention was walking the baby to the liquor store on page 5. Now when i first read it I thought okay here is a man who enjoy being a father and wants to spend quality time with his child. Then its like he is constantly talking about going to the liquor store and starts to appear like he has a drinking problem. This may be because he's a single father raising a child and doesn't have the help that he needs so he cover his issues by drinking. The story just caused me a lot of confusion and I'm not sure how to take in all the information and material that's being given out. I enjoyed the whole packet and the writers have interesting topics their discussing.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

2nd Response to Ed Roberson

Reading the second half of City Eclogue Roberson poems started to have more and more reasons behind them. I liked the fact that the way the poems were written you can interpret them in many different ways.  I Like the way we discussed them in class by going around asking everyone how they interpreted the poems of their choice. One that stood out to me was on page 113 "The "State as Body" Aspects of Eunuch Rule" it was stated that the poem was referring to a socio-path and the feeling that they receive when they kill. The poem like painted an image of a person that was willing to kill till the death of there self. I thought it was pretty insane and scary at first cause it states "I feel want as want. to kill..............My life around   my head   'til I no longer have body    with which to want". That to me tells a whole story without even stating the whole poem itself. This was a creative way to tell a story with a image of what is being talked about.

There were many part of this entire book that I would love to touch on but that's just not possible for now. A poem that really made me think really hard although it wasn't the only one was on page 117 called  Untitled. I didn't understand why he gave it that name being that the poem to me talks about a vacation that seemed remarkable. I wonder what made him call it untitled...was it because he couldn't think of anything else and he just wanted to write a poem for no apparent reason. Then at the end of the page there is a little passage he writes at the end which is confusing because I'm trying to find the relationship between the two but I can't. Although i do like the language used in the poem and it make it sound kind of relaxing when reading it. It makes me want to go on a beach for a vacation and just have fun in the sun. I can see why he untitled it because the poem itself is explanatory. I enjoy expanding my thought process and thinking outside of the box when reading these poems.

I realized that maybe Roberson wants us to interpret his poems in different ways especially in the second half of the book. The whole book is so creative in my eyes, the way he brings to life different aspects of situations. Like the poem on 115 titled The Counsel of Birds it goes into different like the sound an alarm will make to the sound of a bird that sings like a telephone. It just go into depth of life creatures and the amazing sounds that each one makes and the sounds changes from one place to the next. I maybe exaggerating the poem a little but everyone has their own thoughts on it. Then towards the end I felt as if he were talking about the birds dying out just like if the alarm has no batteries we won't hear a ring, then the birds that die we lose the music to our ears. All around the poems are spectacular and they help you imagine what Roberson is trying to tell us but in a creative way. I enjoyed the discussion of this book and everyone else thoughts about it.

After Ed Roberson poem

The poem i decided to focus on was the poem titled Spontaneous Supremacies. When i first read the poem i thought of an individual who has been locked away in a room for so long that no one remembers him. I also got the feeling that this is a person with cancer and trying to fight back to get their life back to how it use to be. I mean this poem can be taken any way but the part that got me was the part that stated "what was locked out...out of nowhere    now in   starts in its shit   it wants everything back." its saying as if they have fought this before and it left and now that the cancer has returned its taken everything back from there life.

My Part
What is belonged should come
No longer pondering forgetful squatters
Starry eyes foreseen wakened
Claims nothing; there is nothing
but I want
I see
I forget the locks of chains
backing up missing exposure
packing raised village neighbors
silent, alone hazed by the daze
counting cities darken but isn't
bearing the eternity of equal
who has forgotten Guilty bone
Cells cluttered
Coward roaring grabs a hold

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thoughts on The city of Eclogue by Ed Roberson

The reading I will be focusing on is City Eclogue. When I first start reading the book I wasn't sure what to think. Although the reading was very interesting there are a lot of things I would like to touch on. The poems are told in ways for the reader to imagine or picture the life the author has seen. The visual of most of the poems are line breaks as if he wants the readers to fill in his thoughts or the fact that he lost his train of thought because of the way of the city. There was one poem that I couldn't stop reading in the City Eclogue section titles Sequoia sempervirens on page 18. It states "we rip around getting our nut off to the city; Foot totals maps ply upward impossible city on top of city even down underground layered into time...." This felt as if he was speaking of the past and the fact that things have not change even though many changes have been made in the city. It's just one of those poems that's so deep that you want to get the real meaning of the whole thing. It also made me feel like he wrote it out in that specific way for us to kind of interpret it in different ways to the point where it can be describe different things.

These poems all point out specific things in different ways. In class we discussed some of the themes that some of the poems were putting out. Like cultural (abstract) issues, historical and political events, pollution, trash, knowing self, and even becoming god. There were a variety of things some in description, some imaginary, some just for you to visualize it all. Some of the poems I got the understanding of and some I did not. Like the language of the poems showed where he had anger in like in the Beauty standing section on page 48 in the middle of the poem he states "what kind of really bastard son wishes his father had won election to eradicate his sister for the fucker's birthday?" That language creates a sound in your head and all I hear is yell and that tense in his voice. I'm could quite figure what exactly all the anger was coming from but its like that in most of the beauty standing poems. Like the part on page 41 section 1at the bottom when he says, " building up more junk on more junk doesn't pay the bills and get the light back on." That line alone tells many things and for me it say there are many things that people care about and there so worried about where trash gone go that they forget about the important things in life like water.

Overall, I think the first half is very interesting and I thought he did a good job at helping the reader to kind of picture what he has picture without saying too much about it. He language was simple yet detailed. The way he did the line breaks for majority of the poems is still a little weird for me but everyone has their way of saying things. Its like he was trying to compare reality to the way of life in his own eyes. There was one point where one of the classmates felt as if he was just writing things with no meaning to it what so ever. Like the poem titled Place lit by a window on page 33; the poem starting off sounded like he was just taking about sockets and basics in an apartment and you kind of get the feeling like this is pointless. As the poem continues he tries to create this metaphor to say things may be tough now but soon things have to get better just pull yourself up off the floor. That part I found interesting and I'm sure the remainder of the book is awesome and quite intriguing.I enjoyed it all to be quite honest.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thoughts on Shakespeare, Mullen, Berrigan

When first reading these sonnets your not sure how to take in the information. So for me starting off with Shakespeare I felt like he focused on love a lot. As far as what it is and how it should be, the feel of it and much more.Like for the first and second poem I felt like he was telling us love is never one thing. Like you have to grow into love and let it grow. Like there might not seem like love at the beginning but in time it should but even then it might not show the way you want it too. Of  course the 113 poem we discussed in class was quite interesting and a little rude in my opinion. Still written by a great poet and it was still understanding.

As for Mullen sonnets 130,   It was thought that it resembled Shakespeare's sonnet 130. they both talk about how a women features was either better or worse then what it was being compared to. However one did it in a positive fun way and the other seemed a little negative. I was thinking that wouldn't it be possible for two people to think the same thing just in different ways. So that the subject of artist taking other artist work should not be discussed. That's something to think about for you.

The there's Berrigan's sonnets, I thought  it was creative the way it was written, whether he meant to write it that way or not. or the fact that he wanted the readers to be able to take different views on it.When I first read it I was like okay this is weird, so when that fact was pointed out to me it made a little more sense but not a lot. As for the other I have no idea what to think.

For these sonnets  the poet could have been trying to tell a complete story to the readers. I'm just the type of person that doesn't really understand how to read something, and twist it around; because normally how something is wrote doesn't verify the true meaning of what's being said. I enjoyed reading the sonnets and can't wait to read more. This is Porsha's final thoughts signing OUT!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


My name is Porsha and I'm a senior here at EMU. This is the last Gen ed. class I need to take and I hope I enjoy the class. My major is social work with a minor in psychology. I enjoy writing sometime but reading is not something I enjoy doing unless its something that interest me. I'm not a very out spoken person but I'm not completely quite either. I can't wait to see how the semester turns out.